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    The quality of the Olive Oil depends of many factors, from its collection until his final packaging.
    The care in the diverse production steps and the technology improvement give us as a result the quality expected, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the best Olive Oil.


    The collection is realized very early (in the month of October or November), and trough harvester by disregarding all the olives fall to the ground.
    The fruits don’t suffer damage in its skin and structure and it conserves the natural properties.


    The transport of the collected olives to our Almazara is realized in the same time of its collection, with care in the cleanness and the unloading not to damage the fruit.


    The collected olives are received in our Almazara, located in the Desierto de Tabernas.

    Opened in October 2008, it has the most modern facilities and is equipped with the latest technology in manufacturing of oil.

    It consists of all protective elements of the fruit, thus not influencing the olive paste.


    Before grinding it proceeds to an exhaustive cleaning of the fruit to remove debris and impurities sheet could lead olives, knowing that mechanized harvesting minimizes these impurities and damage to the fruit.


    The grinding is realized to environment temperature and with an exact size with respect to the kind of olive (arbequina).

    In the same day of the collection is realized the olive oil extraction process.

    6. MIXING

    In the mixing process the heat never is used, as much the natural temperature of the fruit origin (Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata – Nijar), as of the Almazara (Parque Natural del Desierto de Tabernas), let us realize the mixing process in cold, preserving the original smelling and tastes of the fruit.


    With the most modern machinery (Hiller) it gets to extract the maximum oil of the olive. Through spin to high revolution is separated the oil of the rest content (alperujo) that is the result of pulp rest, Impurities, and oil difficult to extract.

    In our process, we make review of pasta, so no second extractions that generate lower quality oil.


    With the maximum care, it realizes oil cleanness, with desalinated water and at room temperature for an oil of unsurpassed quality.


    As a step prior to storage, the oil is subjected to decanting in stainless steel drums and small caliber frusto-conical in order to remove solid lows after extraction may contain.

    We take advantage to this phase to realize testing oil with a process pre-cellar, to select the most quality of the oil. Only the best quality oil will be package as “Oro de Nijar” extra virgin Olive Oil.

    10. STORAGE

    Once the Olive of maximum quality is found in the stainless steel deposit, it is preserved in an inert atmosphere (without oxygen presence), to avoid the natural process of rusting, and let our olive oil get without maturing until the final consumer.

    11. BOTTLED

    In an inert atmosphere with the maximum care and low temperatures it proceeds to the packaging, with the full cleanness.

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